Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Ahhh i'm back

I'm so sorry for being so distant lately, i've got a sub-blog at the moment which is in connection with my final major project, so i've been adding things to that also. So i've left this alone.

For all them people who want to follow that blog
aswell it is; http://halilibrahimshevketfeed-noise.blogspot.com/

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Deleted posts..

Ive deleted 3 specific posts as people are ONLY coming onto the site through these posts. So I've deleted them, lets see if things change.


Good Artists COPY, Great Artists STEAL.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Created by Oded Ezer, Typembrya

Typembrya by Oded Ezer from www.odedezer.com on Vimeo.

Neville Brody....true honesty..Pile of Sh*t

In all honesty, and truth, because i'm obviously not going to lie. I Hate his work. I really do. And im not going to involve HIS work in ma sketchbook work..may just ONE just one to show I looked at him. But I AM NOT going to pollute his crap in ma book just because he is that famous. NO SIR-EE!!

I'm not going to force myself to like it aswell, its crap slapped across a page. Really is. And if any of my teachers do like him, then maybe i recommend you rubbing your eyes with chilli so that you can forget that nasty image. If it means I get a PASS instead of a MERIT then so be it...I don't want to think twice about it!

Inspiration - Stefan Lucut & Craig Ward

Stefan Lucut -

Craig Ward -

My DeviantArt Stats - after 2 years

  • Shevy1987 has 2,650 pageviews total and his 56 deviations were viewed 2,070 times. He watches 255 people, while 19 people watch him.

    Overall, his deviations received 29 comments and were added to deviants' favourites 39 times, while he commented 140 times, making about 0.18 comments per day since he joined DA. This means that he gave 48 comments for every 10 that he received.

    His deviation with the most comments is Type Up my Flag with 8 comments, and it is also his most favourited, with 5 favourites. His most viewed deviation is Arshavin with422 views.

    13 favourites were given for every 10 comments.

    Every 13.2 days he uploads a new deviation, and it's usually on a Saturday, with 27 (48%) of his deviations.

    His busiest month was June 2008 with 18 (32%) of his deviations.

    The majority of his deviations are uploaded to the digitalart gallery (14), while his favourite category was text > misc with 7 deviations.

    Comments per deviation: 0.51
    Favourites per deviation: 0.69
    Views per deviation: 36
    Comments per day: 0.03
    Favourites per day: 0.05
    Views per day: 2.79
    Pageviews per day: 3.57

If you would like to see my profile in action, then please add me :) http://shevy1987.deviantart.com

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Labyrinth through my Hdrive

Was going through my hard drive, and these are couple of the old work I did back in the day;

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Hand in date tomorrow for Copy writing brief.

Well, again i'm found on the laptop working till later on briefs set by the course, and yes i'm your average "lastminute.com" person. All I have left to do is annotation of the research done. Which i left last minute as it needs less brain power to complete. Must convert the little web-banners into animations before I sleep. I can see myself leaving it till end, and forgetting completly :(

Well I received the results for my 'Hybrid Brief', and I'm glad to say that I have passed :) Needed few more detail to obtain a merit, but I am happy with the result. Even with myself not studying art @ GCSE & A-LEVEL, I've done exceptional. Even doing better than the students that have done National Diploma in Graphic Design. It's a dam shame to hear this..but just makes me even more hungry to become successful!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Results Today, and Tomorrow

Well, just obtained my results for photography. I've passed which is the main thing, but going to aim for a merit. I knew I had much more to do, which included deeper explanation of the research obtained, also taking the techniques researched on and develop them. I think thats my major worry. May also change my final piece, as it wasn't a perfect example of how "NORTH CYPRUS" should of been seen.

The next hand-in date is 11th February, so i'm going to resubmit then, hopefully I don't do a lastminute.com approach.

Got my 'Hybrid" assignment results and feedback tomorrow. I think I've passed with that one aswell. I know that sketchbook is not my strongest of points, so I'm going to defiantly going to do more research and development. A weakness in my eyes, and what most companies look for.

I've got a "copywriting" brief to be handed in for Wednesday. Final touches to be done. Going to chose the final designs and fine tune them. And then nextweek 28th of January, Barnbrook will be giving a seminar at Birmingham Metropolitan College @ 6pm till 9pm, with HND YR1's & YR2's poster designs will be critiqued in front of hundreds of people :| NOT looking forward to the critique...

Time to get back to studying :D

Friday, January 8, 2010


Good morning people :) Thought I'd wake you up on a Typographical note and see what number you lot have on your counters ;)

Some videos I've come across on YOUTUBE, that may interest you.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Lambousa Caves

One of ma edited pieces for my photography module

Final prints for Photography

The final prints can be found on my Flickr profile. Still need to chose which ones to use =S

Working very hard on his Photography Module - HOMAGE

Not something you want to do when your room is 1'C, you can't feel your fingers, and you promised you'd hand in your assignment tomorrow. Come back from North Cyprus Saturday, nothing went to plan. Got ill on Sunday, with not being able to hear in the right ear, and the most horrendous banging headache i've ever had.

Think it'll have to be Monday, and the weathers not doing great.

This is the view from my window :

So here I am, Facebook opened in one window, Wikipedia opened in another ( the most unreliable research website), trying to finish the sketchbook, and leg off to go and PRINT off the GIANT PHOTOS!... MEH!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Let the inspirations begin. . .

As a new year thingy-mi-bob, I'm going to share some inspiration and influences, and maybe ideas to help followers to allow their creative juices flowing. Obviously DeviantArt is my best friend as you all know, but i'm going to try and use Behance, which I only found out about last year..Strange I know...

I'm mostly into digital art, so inspirations will be vector work, typography, illustrations and what not..and i'll do a little annotation to WHY I like it so much, just so it doesn't look like I've C&P (copied&Pasted)..like my last posts, which I apologise for.

Work by *copperthistle, which I like because the control over the amount of colours chosen doesn't make the image stand out as much, but the viewer can still depict what he/she is describing. Great use of texture, brushes (PScs3) and also illustrator to show the weight of lines.

Some amazing textures for you to use..BTW..HAPPY NEW YEAR =)

Well I haven't been on this for a very long time, so many apologies. Overcome the 1st semester of HND Graphic Design @ Birmingham MET..and the 2nd Semester starts. Thought I start using the whole "blog" system to help myself, aswell as sharing ideas and critiques from other people. Will upload work that I have completed during the 1st semester..BUT now I will share with you links that i have found on DEVIANTART, maybe the second place I log onto when I get onto the internet [Sorry to say, Facebook is first ;) ]